JAVA Learning Series Course 1 – JAVA Fundamentals

About This Course
Welcome to the best educational tutorial about Java !
You know that Java is the most popular programming language int the world.
This course is the first step of Java Learning Series. Course concept designed with an academical perspective. Previously you learn theoretical lessons, then you practice learnings in workshops. Each chapter consists of a quiz.
Probably the most important thing about this course is being a living course. You obtain this course for once and you are going to make better yourself via new sample projects forever.
What are the requirements?
You must be keen on learning and researching.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Make a powerful introduction to Java.
- Learn Eclipse Java IDE
- Learn Data Types and Data Conversion
- Learn Operators and Decision Statements
- Learn Loop Statements
- Learn Array Type In Java
- Learn Methods and Create Your Custom Methods
- Learn String Type and String Methods
- Learn Mathematical Operations
What is the target audience?
- Concept of this course appeals to students who want to make a perfect beginning on Java Programming Language
Course Staff

Emre Şavklı
Software Developer and Instructor
I am a software developer and instructor.
I have been working in a vocational high school over 8 years. I also develop small and medium sized bussiness projects with .NET technologies,like C#.NET,ASP. NET, SQL Server, and WCF, around 10 years.
Furthermore,over 5 years experience on XML, JSon Data, AJAX technologies in more projects.
Recently, I’ve published a book about Entity Framework 5.0.
I have education of master degree in Management Information Systems(MIS) for 2 years.
Frequently Asked Questions
What web browser should I use?
The EnlightMe platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Firefox or Safari, or with Internet Explorer version 9 and above.
Course Features
- Lectures 32
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 4 Hours/Week
- Skill level
- Language English
- Students 9
- Certificate No
- Assessments Self
Section 1: Let's Start Learning JAVA
- Lecture 1.1 Lecture 1:Introduction To JAVA Preview Locked
- Lecture 1.2 Lecture 2:Download and Install JAVA IDE – Eclipse and NetBeans Installation Locked
- Lecture 1.3 Lecture 3:First JAVA Application – Hello World Application Locked
Section 2: JAVA Data Types
- Lecture 2.1 Lecture 4:Primitive and Reference Data Types in JAVA Preview Locked
- Lecture 2.2 Lecture 5:Data Type Casting Operations and Primitive Type Provider Classes Locked
- Lecture 2.3 Lecture 6:Variable Types Locked
Section 3: Operators
- Lecture 3.1 Lecture 7:Arithmetic Operators Locked
- Lecture 3.2 Lecture 8:Arithmetic Operators Workshop Locked
- Lecture 3.3 Lecture 9:Assignment Operators Locked
- Lecture 3.4 Lecture 10:Assignment Operators Workshop Locked
- Lecture 3.5 Lecture 11:Relational Operators Locked
- Lecture 3.6 Lecture 12:Relational Operators Workshop- String Comparison By ( == ) Operator Locked
- Lecture 3.7 Lecture 13:Logical Operators Locked
- Lecture 3.8 Lecture 14:Binary Number System & Bitwise Operators Locked
- Lecture 3.9 Lecture 15:Other Exclusive Operators Locked
Section 4: Desicion Statements
- Lecture 4.1 Lecture 16:Decision Statements Tutorial Locked
- Lecture 4.2 Lecture 17:If & If-Else Workshop – Calculate My Salary Locked
- Lecture 4.3 Lecture 18:Switch-Case Workshop – Odd or Even ? Locked
Section 5: Loop Statements
- Lecture 5.1 Lecture 19:For Loop Locked
- Lecture 5.2 Lecture 20:For Loop Workshop – Count Forwards and Backwards. Locked
- Lecture 5.3 Lecture 21:While Loop & Do While Loop Locked
- Lecture 5.4 Lecture 22:While & Do-While Loop – “Addition” Sample Locked
- Lecture 5.5 Lecture 23:Homework – Make “Addition” Sample By Using For Loop Locked
- Lecture 5.6 Lecture 24:Enhanced For Loop ( For Each Loop ) Locked
- Lecture 5.7 Lecture 25:Break & Continue Keywords Locked
Section 6: Arrays
- Lecture 6.1 Lecture 26:Unidimensional Arrays Locked
- Lecture 6.2 Lecture 27:Array Operations By “Arrays” Class Locked
Section 7: Methods
- Lecture 7.1 Lecture 28:Why we use methods? Creating & Calling Methods Locked
- Lecture 7.2 Lecture 29:Method Overloading Locked
Section 8: String Operations
- Lecture 8.1 Lecture 30:Understanding String Type & String Methods Locked
- Lecture 8.2 Lecture 31:Character Methods Locked
Section 9: Mathematical Operations
- Lecture 9.1 Lecture 32:”Math” Class’ Methods. Locked