Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV

The basic objective of Unified Engineering is to give a solid understanding of the fundamental disciplines of aerospace engineering, as well as their interrelationships and applications. These disciplines are Materials and Structures (M); Computers and Programming (C); Fluid Mechanics (F); Thermodynamics (T); Propulsion (P); and Signals and Systems (S). In choosing to teach these subjects in a unified manner, the instructors seek to explain the common intellectual threads in these disciplines, as well as their combined application to solve engineering Systems Problems (SP). Throughout the year, the instructors emphasize the connections among the disciplines.
Course Features
- Lectures 12
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 4 hours per week
- Skill level
- Language English
- Students 1199
- Certificate No
- Assessments Self
- Lecture 1.1 Syllabus Locked
- Lecture 2.1 Calendar Locked
- Lecture 3.1 Assignments Locked
- Lecture 4.1 Exams Locked
- Lecture 5.1 Thermo./Propulsion Locked
- Lecture 6.1 Signals/Systems Locked
Materials and Structures
- Lecture 7.1 Materials and Structures Locked
Fluid Mechanics
- Lecture 8.1 Fluid Mechanics Locked
- Lecture 9.1 Comps./Programming Locked
Systems/Labs 04
- Lecture 10.1 Systems/Labs 04 Locked
Systems/Labs 06
- Lecture 11.1 Systems/Labs 06 Locked
Unified Concepts
- Lecture 12.1 Unified Concepts Locked